Friday, October 10, 2008

Six Dollar Special

Registration for tae kwon do classes is a mere $6 tomorrow, for our anniversary and grand re-opening. That is a steal of a deal. I know from speaking with Master Sorenson that she would love love love to be able to just offer tae kwon do classes for free, so that anyone who wants to could come and work out. I love her sentiment, but I think it would be a bad idea. She would run out of money and have to close the studio, and the rest of us would be stuck working out in front of our television sets. Billy Blanks Tae Bo anyone?

Okay, not necessarily the rest of us. Other people are not like me, with my little exercise video collection I buy, use a few times, and then get tired of. Not everyone in the womens class is a recovering non-athlete. In fact, most of us aren't. We've got a former P.E. teacher, a marathon runner, and a dancer (on pregnancy leave), among others. I was talking with our marathoner the other day. She just completed the Saint George Marathon, a feat which makes me sore just thinking about it. "You're a marathon runner," I said. "Is tae kwon do a good workout for you too?"

"Oh yeah," she said. "It's different muscles, and it's cross training. It's fun."

Which left me thinking about how versatile this sport really is. It's possible for someone like me, who struggles with weight, and with coordination, and fitness, to work out alongside a marathon runner, and both of us are learning, growing, and enjoying ourselves.

So, come to the anniversary party tomorrow afternoon, from 2 to 4. And take advantage of the special: you can't even buy an exercise DVD for six bucks.

If you come to the women's class, you'll fit right in, whether you run marathons or huff and puff walking the kids to school (that would be me). Either way, you will be welcome.

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