Friday, November 28, 2008

Thankful for Taekwondo

I am grateful for the people in my class last Tuesday night who did not snicker at my super lame back kick. I'm still learning, still learning.

I am also grateful that I FINALLY LEARNED MY FORM for this rank. Man. I am grateful to my instructors for patiently helping me learn the darn thing.

I am grateful for the fact that I can do plank for longer than I could a year ago. Same with buddha. I am also grateful that I have been doing this for long enough now that I can look back and see that I have progressed, that I have grown past what I thought I could do.

I am grateful for the expertise and kindness of those who run our great studio. We are blessed to have such dedicated instructors.

Also, I am grateful that if some creep grabs my arm, I know six different ways of escaping.

I could go on, but I'll stop here, and ask this: what makes you grateful for taekwondo?

-Emily M.

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