Friday, November 14, 2008

Belt Jump Camp

Top Five Reasons why I'm asking for Belt Jump Camp for Christmas:

1-It's a sweet deal, essentially three months' worth of instruction for the price of one.

2-Three hours a day of taekwondo instruction is a great way to jump start my traditional New Years diet.

3-Speaking of three hours a day, I like the idea of having enough time to really develop my technique. It always seems like we end class and there's so much more to do. Three hours a day should cure that.

4-If enough people sign up, it's going to be help from 7 to 10 in the morning (a possible session later on as well), which means I can work out in the morning and still play with my kids in the day.

5-I could actually be a blue belt by January! Whoda thunk?

--Emily M.

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